Chapter 7 Bibliography

Berends, Mark, Marisa Cannata, and Ellen Goldring, eds. School Choice and School Improvement. Cambridge Mass.: Harvard Education Press, 2011.
Cities Suburbs and Schools Project Archives, Trinity College Digital Repository. Accessed July 15, 2019.
Clark, Charles H. “The Charter Oak City.” Scribner’s Monthly 13, no. 1 (November 1876): 1–21.
Dougherty, Jack. “Bridging the Gap Between Urban, Suburban, and Educational History.” In Rethinking the History of American Education, edited by William Reese and John Rury, 245–59. New York: Palgrave MacMillan Press, 2007.
———. “Conflicting Questions: Why Historians and Policymakers Miscommunicate on Urban Education.” In Clio at the Table: Using History to Inform and Improve Education Policy, edited by Kenneth Wong and Robert Rothman, 251–62. New York: Peter Lang, 2009.
———. “Review of ’Connecticut’s Public Schools: A History, 1650-2000’ by Christopher Collier.” Connecticut History 50, no. 1 (2011): 120–22.
Dougherty, Jack, Jeffrey Harrelson, Laura Maloney, Drew Murphy, Russell Smith, Michael Snow, and Diane Zannoni. “School Choice in Suburbia: Test Scores, Race, and Housing Markets.” American Journal of Education 115, no. 4 (August 2009): 523–48.
Dougherty, Jack, Jesse Wanzer, and Christina Ramsay. “Sheff v. ONeill: Weak Desegregation Remedies and Strong Disincentives in Connecticut, 1996-2008.” In From the Courtroom to the Classroom: The Shifting Landscape of School Desegregation, edited by Claire Smrekar and Ellen Goldring, 103–27. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press, 2009.
On The Line Digital Archives, Connecticut Digital Archives, n.d.
Pennington, Lis, Emily Steele, and Jack Dougherty. “A Political History of School Finance Reform in Metropolitan Hartford, Connecticut, 1945-2005.” American Educational Research Association conference paper, April 2007.
Sheff, Elizabeth Horton. “Oral History Interview on Sheff Vs. ONeill.” Cities, Suburbs, Schools Project, Trinity College Digital Repository, July 28, 2011.
Tegeler, Philip, ed. Finding Common Ground: Coordinating Housing and Education Policy to Promote Integration. Washington, DC: Poverty & Race Research Action Council, 2011.
Wells, Amy Stuart, Bianca J. Baldridge, J. Duran, C. Grzesikowski, R. Lofton, A. Roda, M. Warner, and T. White. “Boundary Crossing for Diversity, Equity, and Achievement: Interdistrict School Desegregation and Educational Opportunity.” Cambridge MA: Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice, November 2009.
Whitten, Robert Harvey. West Hartford Zoning: Report to the Zoning Commission on the Zoning of West Hartford. West Hartford, Conn: Zoning Commission, 1924.